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Pla i Llevant DO

Pla I Llevant DO Wine Area Map
Pla I Llevant DO Temperature, Rainfall and Sunshine

The DO is named after one of the island's districts (comarcas) and, in Mallorquí, it means 'plain and east coast' . The DO's regulation was published in spring 1999.

The vineyards lie in the flat, chalky central and eastern areas of the island, which offer optimum soil conditions.

Regulatory Council

Consejo Regulador DO Pla i Llevant
Mariano Aguiló. 3
07200 Felanitx
Tel.: +34-971-168-569


Spanish Ministry of Agriculture

Regulatory Council, Pla i Llevant PDO


This area offers an interesting potential for powerful Mediterranean wines.

Pla I Llevant DO Consejo Regulador De La Denominacion De Origen
Pla I Llevant DO Vineyards and Production
Area under vine

440 ha.

Altitude of vineyards

Sea level.

Soil types

Limestone with red soils ("called vermell").

Principal grapes (w)

Prensal Blanc, Moscatel and Giró Blanc.

Principal grapes (r)

Manto Negro, Callet, Gorgollasa and Fogoneu.



Production 2013

1,561,169 kg

Production 2014

1,943,248 kg

Production 2015

2,088,307 kg