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Alella DO

Alella DO Wine Area Map
Alella DO Temperature, Rainfall and Sunshine

Alella's white, flowery wines and its lesser known red ones, come from a very old vineyard area which has been receding in the last forty years under the pressure of urban development.

Today the DO is only a third of its original size when it was created in 1956, although in 1989 it was extended to spread up the slopes of the coastal mountains.

In the 1980s a series of new grapes were introduced here and wines were modernised, revealing new potential. Wineries are urban farmsteads built up stepped slopes which drop away to the sea.

The range of altitudes governs which grape varieties are grown and what kind of wine is made in which part of the vineyard.

Regulatory Council

Consejo Regulador DO Alella
Masia Museu Can Magarola, Av. Sant Mateu 2
08328 Alella
Tel.: +34 935 559 153


Spanish Ministry of Agriculture

Regulatory Council, Alella PDO


Wineries are urban farmsteads built up stepped slopes which drop away to the sea.

Alella DO Consejo Regulador De La Denominacion De Origen
Alella DO Vineyards and Production
Area under vine

227.5 ha.

Altitude of vineyards

60-350 m.

Soil types

Lowlands: sandy earth over granite; uplands, sandy earth over limestone.

Principal grapes (w)

Pansà Blanca and Chardonnay.

Principal grapes (r)

Garnacha, Ull de Llebre (Tempranillo)and Merlot.

Maximum crop

6,500 kg/ha


74 %

Production 2014

3,191 hl

Production 2015

4,496 hl