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Ribera del Duero DO

Ribera Del Duero DO Wine Area Map
Ribera Del Duero DO Temperature, Rainfall and Sunshine

The Ribera del Duero is blessed by a combination of terroir, microclimate and a native grape that gives superb, complex red wines.

At this altitude Tempranillo (also known as Tinta del País or Tinto Fino) gives thick-skinned and refreshingly acid fruit, which in turn gives wines that are delicious when they are young but also have the capacity to age into magnificent Gran Reservas. 

In the wake of the DO's creation in 1982 many vineyard sites were replanted and bodegas of every kind, ranging from small family operations to large cooperatives and single-estate bodegas, began to invest in modern winemaking technology. At the same time families who for generations grew and sold their grapes to bodegas have been building their own small wineries and the Regulating Council (Consejo Regulador) has been encouraging research and development projects ranging from computerized harvesting checks to alternatives to traditional pesticides. 

This newly acquired collective expertise has made a huge impact on the quality of the wines, which are now exported right around the world. There is a wine museum in the castle at Peñafiel and a Centro de Interpretación del vino en Aranda del Duero (Burgos).

Regulatory Council

Consejo Regulador DO Ribera del Duero
C/ Hospital, 6
09300 Roa
Tel.: +34 947 541 221


Spanish Ministry of Agriculture

Regulatory Council, Ribera del Duero PDO


Its wines are now exported right around the world.

Ribera Del Duero DO Consejo Regulador De La Denominacion De Origen
Ribera Del Duero DO Vineyards and Production
Area under vine

22,040 ha.

Altitude of vineyards

750-1,000 m.

Soil types

32 different soil types. The Ribera del Duero is located on the great northern plateau of the Iberian Peninsula . It is formed by an enormous smoothened base and is partly covered by tertiary sediments. Most of these sediments consist of gently lenticular layers of silty or clayey sand. Of particular note are the alternating layers of limestone and marl and even chalky concretions.

Principal grapes (w)


Principal grapes (r)

Tempranillo (Tinta del País or Tinto Fino), Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Merlot and Garnacha.

Maximum crop

7,000 kg/ha


70 %

Production 2013

95,271,532 kg

Production 2014

122,324,673 kg

Production 2015

88,801,706 kg