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Chacolí de Vizcaya-Bizkaiko Txakolina-Txakoli de Bizkaia DO

Chacolí De Vizcaya Bizkaiko Txakolina Txakoli De Bizkaia DO Wine Area Map
Chacolí De Vizcaya Bizkaiko Txakolina Txakoli De Bizkaia DO Temperature, Rainfall and Sunshine

It was at the beginning of the 80´s when a group of wine producers formed the Txakoli Winemakers´ Association (BIALTXA) and with support from the local Basque administration (the Basque Government and the Biscay Provincial Government), the recovery of this exquisite and unique libation was begun.

The result of all this work and collaboration came about in 1994 with the appellation contrôlée entitled “Chacolí de Vizcaya – Bizkaiko Txakolina” (Txakoli de Bizkaia).

This DO came about to let people know about this ancestral wine and to appreciate and protect this fruit of Atlantic winegrowing that features local varieties of grapes and the know-how of our farms (traditional cultivation of rural Biscay where txakoli is produced).

Regulatory Council

Consejo Regulador DO Chacolí de Vizcaya-Bizkaiko Txakolina-Txakoli de Bizkaia
Barrio Mendible, 42
48940, Leioa
Tel.:94 607 60 71


Spanish Ministry of Agriculture

Regulatory Council, Chacolí de Vizcaya-Bizkaiko Txakolina-Txakoli de Bizkaia PDO


Hondarribi Zuri is the main coastal variety in the Basque Country. For reds, they use Hondarribi Beltza.

Chacolí De Vizcaya Bizkaiko Txakolina Txakoli De Bizkaia DO Consejo Regulador De La Denominacion De Origen
Chacolí De Vizcaya Bizkaiko Txakolina Txakoli De Bizkaia DO Vineyards and Production
Area under vine

392 ha.

Altitude of vineyards

Up to 400 m.

Soil types

Generally not very deep, slightly acidic with a clay-loam texture on limestone rock and marls.

Principal grapes (w)

Hondarribi Zuri.

Principal grapes (r)

Hondarribi Beltza.

Maximum crop

13,000 kg/ha



Production 2013

9,998.07 hl

Production 2014

15,696.34 hl

Production 2015

17,763.65 hl